Ramadan, the major fast of the Islamic year, falls in the ninth lunar month. Traditionally, Ramadan commences and ends with the sighting of the new moon, though now a standard calendar is more commonly used. The month-long fast involves abstinence from food, liquids, smoking, and sexual intercourse between the hours of sunrise and sunset, but at night the holiday has turned into a feast in many Arab countries, each of which has its favorite special Ramadan foods and recipes.

Moreover, fasting must be undertaken with spiritual intent (niyyah ), and this intent must be renewed each day before dawn. Mean-spirited words, and thoughts and deeds such as slander, lying, and covetousness negate the value of fasting. The fast commences each day at dawn, immediately prior to which an early morning meal, suhoor, should be eaten. It usually includes a special bread called mushtah and a sweet cream-filled pastry called kilaj, which are served only during Ramadan. During the day no food or drink may be taken, which can be a severe test when Ramadan falls during the hot summer season. The day's fast is broken with a small meal, iftar, taken as soon as possible after sunset.

Traditionally, this is dates and water in remembrance of Muhammed, who always broke his fast by first eating dates, followed by lentil soup and salad. A larger, often quite elaborate meal may be eaten later at a mosque or shared with visiting friends and family. There are no particular rules governing what should be served for the main course. Sweets are very popular during Ramadan. Following Ramadan there is a three-day festival of prayer and feasting known as ʿAl Id-Fitr. Special sweet dishes are prepared, giving the festival its other name of Sweet Id. Muslims give thanks to Allah for enabling them to perform their duty of fasting, and there is much visiting and exchange of gifts, including food, with family and friends. Charitable giving is also encouraged.

Few Dos and Donts During Ramadan


• Dress Appropriately

• Exchange Ramadan Greetings (Ramadan Kareem and Eid Mubarak during Eid Celebration)

• Respect those who are fasting


• Refrain from eating or drinking in public places

• Don not play loud music/entertainment

• Do not engage in public displays of affection

• Do not offer food or drink




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